

* First authors with equal contribution.

Please see Google Scholar for a full list of publications.


  1. Mendelian Randomization Analysis Using Multiple Biomarkers of an Underlying Common Exposure
    Jin Jin, Guanghao Qi, Zhi Yu, and 1 more author
    Under revision for Biometrics, 2021+
  2. Associations between Cannabis and Alcohol Consumption Polygenic Risk Scores and Ever Misusing Opioids in an Urban, African American Cohort
    Jill A. Rabinowitz, Jin Jin, Sally I-Chun Kuo, and 9 more authors
    Under revision for PLOS One, 2021+

Refereed Publications

  1. T2-DAG: A Powerful Test for Differentially Expressed Gene Pathways via Graph-informed Structural Equation Modeling
    Jin Jin, and Yue Wang
    Bioinformatics, Nov 2021
  2. Genetic Propensity for Risky Behavior and Depression and Risk of Lifetime Suicide Attempt among Urban African Americans in Adolescence and Young Adulthood
    Jill A Rabinowitz, Jin Jin, Geoffrey Kahn, and 8 more authors
    American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, Nov 2021
  3. Provider and Patient Characteristics of Medicare Beneficiaries Who Are High-Risk for COVID-19 Mortality
    Jeromie Ballreich, Jin Jin, Prosenjit Kundu, and 1 more author
    Journal of General Internal Medicine, Nov 2021
  4. Polygenic Risk Scores for Kidney Function to the Circulating Proteome, and Incident Kidney Diseases: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study
    Zhi Yu, Jin Jin, Adrienne Tin, and 8 more authors
    Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, Nov 2021
  5. Individual and Community-level Risk for COVID-19 Mortality in the United States
    Jin Jin*, Neha Agarwala*, Prosenjit Kundu*, and 4 more authors
    Nature Medicine, Nov 2021
  6. Bayesian methods for the analysis of early-phase oncology basket trials with information borrowing across cancer types
    Jin Jin, Marie-Karelle Riviere, Xiaodong Luo, and 1 more author
    Statistics in Medicine, Nov 2020
  7. A Bayesian method for the detection of proof of concept in early phase oncology studies with a basket design
    Jin Jin, Qianying Liu, Wei Zheng, and 4 more authors
    Statistics in Biosciences, Nov 2020
  8. Multi-resolution super learner for voxel-wise classification of prostate cancer using multi-parametric MRI
    Jin Jin, Lin Zhang, Ethan Leng, and 2 more authors
    To appear in Journal of Applied Statistics, Nov 2020
  9. Bayesian Spatial Models for Voxel-wise Prostate Cancer Classification Using Multi-parametric MRI Data
    Jin Jin, Lin Zhang, Ethan Leng, and 2 more authors
    Statistics in Medicine, Nov 2020
  10. Signature maps for automatic identification of prostate cancer from colorimetric analysis of h&e-and IHC-stained histopathological specimens
    Ethan Leng, Jonathan C Henriksen, Anthony E Rizzardi, and 8 more authors
    Scientific reports, Nov 2019
  11. Detection of prostate cancer with multiparametric MRI utilizing the anatomic structure of the prostate
    Jin Jin, Lin Zhang, Ethan Leng, and 2 more authors
    Statistics in medicine, Nov 2018
  12. Development of a measure for evaluating lesion-wise performance of CAD algorithms in the context of mpMRI detection of prostate cancer
    Ethan Leng, Benjamin Spilseth, Lin Zhang, and 3 more authors
    Medical physics, Nov 2018

Manuscripts in Preparation

  1. A Quasi-likelihood-based Bayesian Framework for the Integration of Multiple Regression Models across Studies with Disparate Covariate Information
    Jin Jin, and Nilanjan Chatterjee
  2. Developing Trans-ethnic Polygenic Risk Scores Using Empirical Bayes and Super Learning Algorithm
    Haoyu Zhang, Jianan Zhan, Jin Jin, and 10 more authors
  3. Ancestry-specific Polygenic Risk Scores for Telomere Length and a Phenome-wide Association Study for Their Association with Risks of Age-related Diseases
    Jin Jin, Margaret Taub, Matthew Conomos, and 2 more authors
  4. Polygenic Risk Prediction and Precision Prevention. Statistical Methods for Precision Health. Chakraborty, B., Laber, E., Moodie, E., Cai, T., Van der Laan, M.J. (Eds)
    Jin Jin, and Nilanjan Chatterjee
    Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2021+
  5. Association of Polygenic Coronary Heart Disease Risk with CAC=0 and CAC>1000 in Adults>75 Years Old: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study
    O. Dzaye, A.C. Razavi, Z.A. Dardari, and 15 more authors
  6. A Bayesian Framework for Polygenic Risk Prediction Leveraging Information across Multiple Ethnic Groups
    Jin Jin, Jingning Zhang, Jianan Zhan, and 6 more authors

  1. Transparency, Reproducibility, and Validity of COVID-19 Projection Models.
    Medium - Towards Data Science, 2020