An R-based command line tool for implementing MUSSEL (MUltivariate Spike and Slab and Ensemble Learning), a powerful method for developing ancestry-specific polygenic risk scores (PRS) that integrates information from GWAS summary statistics and external LD reference data from multiple populations (ancestry groups). [Paper]
An R package for conducting Mendelian randomization analysis for a latent exposure leveraging information from multiple biomarkers. [Paper] [Preprint]
An R package for graph-informed detection of disease-associated gene pathways. [Paper]
COVID-19 Risk Tools
Mortality Risk Calculator

The tool provides an assessment of individualized risks for mortality from COVID-19 using the best publicly available information on risks associated with various pre-existing conditions and socio-demographic factors. We further tailored it to produce absolute risk estimates in future time frames by incorporating information on pandemic dynamics at the community level with projections available from an ensemble of pandemic forecasting models.
Risk Interactive Maps

Developed through a collaborative effort with Eliza Wallace from PolicyMap, the interactive maps show sizes of high-risk populations in the U.S., nationwide and by cities, countries, and states.